Ancient Future Times: Phone Home, Summer Shows, and Skype Studies Sale
July 2016 Issue:
Santa Clara House Concert July 28
•World Guitar Pioneer Matthew Montfort and Indian Tabla Virtuoso Vishal Nagar
Global Guitar Summit Tour Dates
•Konarak Reddy (India), Matthew Montfort (USA), and Teja Gerken (Germany)
Phone Home A.F.A.R.
•Ancient-Future.Com Now Mobile Friendly!
Skype Lesson Sale
•Study in the Comfort of Home with Ancient Future Leader Matthew Montfort
Santa Clara House Concert July 28

World Guitar Pioneer Matthew Montfort and Indian Tabla Virtuoso Vishal Nagar
Blending ancient world music traditions from fiery flamenco to resonant raga with the contemporary colors of jazz and rock, this variation of the world fusion music group Ancient Future features world guitar pioneer Matthew Montfort and renowned Indian tabla virtuoso Vishal Nagar.Thursday, July 28, 7:30 PM
House Concert
Santa Clara, CA
Adm: $15 general, $8 student/low-income requested donation.
Reservations: Send your name, phone number, and number of seats requested to SantaClaraHouseConcerts at yahoo.com.
Facebook Event.
Meetup Event.

Concert Poster (244k .pdf)

YouTube Video of 'Yearning for the Wind' by Ancient Future
Global Guitar Summit Tour Dates
Konarak Reddy (India), Matthew Montfort (USA), and Teja Gerken (Germany)

Sunday, July 31, 6:30 PM - 9 PM
919 Fourth Street
San Rafael, CA 94901
Tix: $12 advance, $15 door. For advance tix and reservations, visit www.fenixlive.com/dining/reservations, call 415-813-5600 or email info@www.fenixlive.com. Streams live at original.livestream.com/fenixlive.
Venue website: www.fenixlive.com
Facebook Event. Meetup Event.
Thursday, August 4, 2016, 7:30 PM
Don Quixote's International Music Hall
6275 Highway 9
Felton, CA 95018
Tix: $12 advance, $15 door. Info: Call 831-603-2294 or email tmm@cruzio.com
Venue website: www.donquixotesmusic.info
Facebook Event. Meetup Event.
Saturday, August 6th, 6:30 PM
Gryphon Stringed Instruments
211 Lambert Ave.
Palo Alto, CA 94306
Tix: $20 suggested donation. Info: Call 650-493-2131 or email michael@gryphonstrings.com
Venue website: www.gryphonstrings.com
Facebook Event. Meetup Event.
Friday, August 12th, 8 PM
Sebastopol Community Center Annex
425 Morris St.
Sebastopol, CA 95472
Tix: $20 advance, $23 door. For advance tix and reservations, call Kevin at 707-824-1858 or email krussellmft@aol.com
Venue website: www.seb.org
Facebook Event. Meetup Event.

Concert Poster (100 k .pdf)
This Global Guitar Summit presents three international acoustic guitar virtuosos who will perform solo and ensemble pieces.
Hailing from Bangalore, India, Konarak Reddy is a legend among music aficionados in his home country. From the start, Konarak immersed himself in both Western classical theory on guitar and traditional Indian music on the sarod. Konarak later studied jazz improvisation at Boston's Berklee College of Music and the Musician's Institute in Hollywood, from which he graduated with honors. Today, his playing integrates Hindustani and Carnatic styles into contemporary solo guitar masterpieces. His two albums, Searching for the Goddess and Solar Avatar have received critical acclaim.
Matthew Montfort is a pioneer among guitarists who have had their fretboards scalloped in order to play various forms of world music that require intricate note-bending ornaments while still being able to play chords. He has released two solo CDs: Seven Serenades for Scalloped Fretboard Guitar and Sympathetic Serenade, for which he is recognized as one of the world's 100 Greatest Acoustic Guitarists by DigitalDreamDoor.com .
German-born Teja Gerken is a contemporary steel-string fingerstyle guitarist whose playing merges the styles of European guitar pioneers such as John Renbourn and Pierre Bensusan with the distinct sounds of American players such as Leo Kottke and Michael Hedges. Known for his original compositions, many of which employ alternate tunings, two-handed tapping, percussive effects, and other extended guitar techniques, Teja will also bring Celtic, jazz, and classical styles to the Global Guitars show.
- Streaming Now: Dean Suzuki's interview with Matthew Montfort about the Global Guitar Summit on Discreet Music on KPFA is archived online at www.kpfa.org until July 31.
- Monday, August 1, 4:05 PM, Hala interviews Matthew Montfort about the Global Guitar Summit on KKUP, 91.5 FM, 1275 Franklin Mall, PMB 9150, Santa Clara, CA, 95050. Streams live at kkup.org.
- Monday, August 1, 9 PM, DJ Sol Max Ion interviews Matthew Montfort about the Global Guitar Summit on KZSU, 90.1 FM, Stanford, CA 94309. Streams live at kzsu.stanford.edu.
Phone Home A.F.A.R.

Ancient-Future.Com Now Mobile Friendly!
A major upgrade to Ancient Future's massive world music education site has been initiated, and the beta version is now live!How do you navigate the Ancient Future? To answer that age old question, each page has two navigation areas: one at the top for exploring where you are and another below for where you might want to go next.
The mobile upgrade is a huge in-house project that has taken many hours away from precious music production time. There is still more to do: the shopping cart needs an expensive upgrade before work can be started to make it mobile friendly. In the meantime, the shopping cart does function on a mobile device in landscape mode with some scrolling. To insure that music production gets the support it deserves in this age of digital disruption, please support the Archive of Future Ancient Recordings financially!
Skype Lesson Sale
Study in the Comfort of Home with Ancient Future Leader Matthew Montfort

Guitar Player Magazine Feature on Matthew Montfort Plus Online Lesson (1.4 MB pdf).
Matthew Montfort is now offering all styles and levels of guitar (and other plucked instruments) instruction as well as lessons on any of the subjects on the Ancient-Future.Com world music education web site via Skype and other web conferencing services. Instruction is tailored to the individual needs of the student.
Music lessons make an excellent gift, and introductory sale rates on individual Skype lessons are being offered for a limited time. For further information, visit www.matthewmontfort.com or send an email to info@ancient-future.com.
Summer Skype Sale
30 Minute Skype Lesson. Normally $50. Sale $36. Buy 1 Now.45 Minute Skype Lesson. Normally $65. Sale $48. Buy 1 Now.
60 Minute Skype Lesson. Normally $75. Sale $60. Buy 1 Now.
Recommended Training Manual

Ancient Traditions – Future Possibilities: Rhythmic Training Through the Traditions of Africa, Bali and India by Matthew Montfort (Ancient Future Music, 1985. ISBN 0-937879-00-2). Sale $52.95. Buy 1 Now. A must-have for all students of world music, plus there is an additional discount on a Skype lesson with your online purchase at Ancient-Future.Com!